Pro Life

Below is news or information about pro life events


I believe in life.

I believe every human being is made in the image and likeness of God. I believe that every human is endowed with the right to life from the moment of conception till the time of natural death.

I believe that every human being should be treated with dignity and sanctity.

I pledge myself to defend life wherever I see it being disgraced or degraded.

Therefore: I will respect the unborn; those tiny life within its mother’s womb reflects the miracle of creation.

I will respect the child, who stands innocently at the threshold of life waiting to be molded by my word and example.

I will respect the handicapped, whose physical deformity only emphasizes the true richness of the soul within.

I will respect the young, whose life harbors the dreams of tomorrow.

I will respect the mentally handicapped, whose perception of this world may be different, but no less real than mine.

I will respect the old, who have traveled down many roads that I have yet to see.

I will respect the dying, who should leave this world from loving, caring arms.

I will respect others with all their failings, for their lives are an extension of mine, their sins – my sins, their glory – my glory.

I will do all that is in my power to foster respect for life in my home, my community and in my country.

I believe in life.


Respect Life Ministry  ~ Diocese of Joliet


OLG Respect Life Newsletter ~ January 2019


Link to KnightsForLife.org A Catholic Respect Life Curriculum for High School, College and Adult Study




