Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

The Jubilee Year 2025 offers a profound spiritual gift: the opportunity to receive a plenary indulgence, a grace that removes the temporal effects of sin for those who are properly disposed.

To obtain the Jubilee Indulgence:

1️⃣ Go on a pilgrimage to a designated Jubilee church.

2️⃣ Receive the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Eucharist.

3️⃣ Pray for the Holy Father and his intentions.

4️⃣ Commit to detachment from sin, even venial sin.

This grace is also extendable to the sick, the imprisoned, and others unable to make the pilgrimage, through acts of faith, prayer, and charity.

In the spirit of renewal and mercy, the indulgence reminds us of God’s infinite love and the call to live a life transformed by grace. Let's accept this gift with joy here at St. Ann Parish.