Knights Of Columbus




for more information contact John Behling at (815) 531-5462 or any Brother Knight or email: channahon.knights@yahoo.com


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StAnnKnightsofColubusCouncil12863


The Knights of Columbus collected 114 pints of blood on January 25th. That is all thanks to our AMAZING commuity for stepping up and donating.  Save the date for the next Blood Drive at St. Mary's in Minooka on Saturday, March 29, 2025



2023 Christmas Party with Santa

Presenting the Minooka Community High Schol's R.E.A.C.H. (Realizing Educational and Career Hopes) Program a check to help service students in need of life skill-based instruction.

Presenting Sunrise Center North Therapeutic Ridges a check to enhance the quality of life for children and adults with special needs by providing horse therapy and equine-assisted activities for cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being.

About us:

Thanks to the efforts of Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature on March 29, 1882, officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal benefit society. The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity.

The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.

The history of the Order shows how the foresight of Father Michael J. McGivney, whose cause for sainthood is being investigated by the Vatican, brought about what has become the world's foremost Catholic fraternal benefit society. The Order has helped families obtain economic security and stability through its life insurance, annuity and long-term care programs, and has contributed time and energy worldwide to service in communities.

The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 14,000 councils and 1.8 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam and Saipan.

Knights are Catholic men, 18 years or age and older, who are committed to making thier community a better place, while supporting their Church.  Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life.

Meeting Time: 

Meeting Day: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM 

Location: Parish Hall at St. Ann Catholic Church

Church Activities:

  • Financial Aid to St. Ann Parish
  • Financial Aid to Parish Organizations
  • Financial Aid to Seminarians
  • Baptismal Rose Program
  • Active in St. Ann Ministries:  Members are encouraged to serve as Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers, Ushers, Catechists, and participate in other Parish organizations.
  • Corporate Communion:  Held quarterly on the fifth Sunday of the month at rotating Mass times.  All members, their families and other parishioners are urged to participate, and to join in the recitation of the Rosary immediately after Mass.
  • Bi-Annual Women;s Appreciation Brunch for women of the parish, and Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass

Youth Activities:

  • Support for Venture Crew
  • Support Teen Youth Group at St. Ann

Community Activities:

  • Channahon Festival Parade
  • Support for community organizations
  • Pro-Life Activities
  • Tootsie Roll Drive held in September
  • Quarterly Community Blood Drives

Family Activities:

  • Christmas Party
  • Summertime social activities

Council Activities:

  • Lenten Fish Fries, each Friday in lent excluding Good Friday
  • Fourth Degree Honor Guards

The St. Ann Knights of Columbus receiving the "Beacon of Hope Award" from Versiti for being one of the top six organizations to collect blood in the entire Chicagoland area.

John Behling, Grand Knight, and Ron Yungk accepting the award from Christina Payton, the Versiti Account Representative.



 2021-2022 Officers

Grand Knight:  John Behling

Deputy Grand Knight:  Dave McAtee

Chancellor:  Doug Overbeck

Financial Secretary: Howard Nelson

Treasure:  Phil Roberts

Warden:  Bruce Graham

Recorder:  Ron Yungk

Inside Guard: Dwain Huggins

Outside Guard:  Chris Chesson

One Year Trustee:  Marty Lepacek

Two Year Trustee:  Bill Frauenheim

Three Year Trustee:  Ken Jados

Lecturer:  Rich Brewers

Chaplain: Father. John Klein

Advocate: Rodney Kauer


Knights of Columbus Safe Environment Policy