President: Betsy Devier
Vice President: Dianna Witkowski
Secretary: Mary Ann Egan
Treasurer: Bette Wettergren (starting in August Juli DeCraene)
All Women 18 and over of the parish
An Active Member is one who pays yearly dues ($5) and participates in events.
We hold service, fundraising and religious opportunitites for our parish, community and occasionally international communities.
Don't Miss this opportunity to:
Meet ladies of our parshis!
Share your ideas!
Find out what's happening!
Enjoy great programs and get involved.
A Basic Schedule of Events:
The St. Ann CCW hols and activity planned session (meeting) the 2nd Monday of each month, August - May***, at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall. Yummy snacks/desserts provide by CCW members.
**Meeting location is different in December and May.
***No meetings in June and July, but may hold an event.
Mission Statement
The St.Ann Council of Catholic Women acts through the National CCW and its Affiliated organizations to support, empower,and educate women in spirituality, leadership, and service.St. Ann CCW and NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the church and society in the modern world.
For more information contact Betsy Devier at (815) 592-2038, please leave a message or at
Click for CWW information PDF
PRAYER TREE ~Help pray for those in need. Email sign-up is most helpful:
SEW HELPFUL ~ 3rd Thursday of each month, 10 am- 12pm , parish hall, Sept. - May, please RSVP with Betsy at Handmade items for our Church and charities....missions, nursing homes, hospitals, etc...
Special Spring 2025 Events:
- Desserts for Fish Fry Fridays
- First Holy Communion gift assembling
- June 1, (time TBA ) Parish Hall ~ Bunco Afternoon, more details to come
- CCW Woman of the Year announced in March
- Catholic High School Schorlarship
- Mass at the Cathedral in April
- Candidate is chosen by active members of St Ann CCW
- Some additional events
- Fall Coffee- JDCCW- morning retreat
- Fall Bake Sale (November 23-24, 2024)
- Adopt a Family for Christmas gift giving
- Boxes of Joy -JDCCW, NCCW
- Birthday celebration out for lunch
- Speakers invited