Guided by the Church ~ Nurtured by the Family ~ Supported by the Parish.
First Holy Communion Class of 2023
Grade 2 is the traditional year for the reception of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Preparation for these Sacraments ideally begins with 1st Grade Religious Education Sessions and continues through 2nd Grade.
Click on the link You and the SACRAMENTS for information about preparing for parents of Children preparing for sacraments.
If your child is beyond 2nd grade and you are desiring these Sacraments,
please call the Religious Education office at 815-467-6962 ext. 5.
Sacrament Highlights:
All families, especially those with children preparing for the Sacraments, should make every effort to attend weekend Mass and Reconciliation. Without the experience of what happens at the Liturgy and the example set by their parents, children are unable to fully grasp what is taught in the sessions. The supportive teaching that happens here at the parish doesn't make sense without the experience.
Please bring your child to Mass and the Sacraments!
First Reconciliation
- Reconciliation parent meeting usually in October
- This sacrament is celebrated in November and December.
First Holy Communion
- Fist Communion parent meeting
- First Holy Communion Retreat for parent and child.
- Holy Week, a great opportunity to share in the Paschal Mystery with your children.
- First Holy Communion Rehearsal
- Sacrament of First Holy Communion
Older Children Sacraments
If your child has not received their sacraments and is interested in pursuing them please contact the Formation Office at 815-467-6962 ext. 5
1st Grade
The best thing you can do for your 1st Grader is to continue to expose him/her to God. Teach them to PRAY the "Sign of the Cross," and the"Guardian Angel Prayer". Read to them the stories of the Old and New Testament from a children's Bible or their textbook. Bring the to Mass every week!
2nd Grade
Continue to pray regularly with your child. Prayer is essential to help them develop their relationship with God.
Introduce "The Lord's Prayer", "The Hail Mary" and the "Glory Be". Saying prayers together at bedtime is a great way to get started.
Older Children First Sacraments
Children older than Grade 2 who have not yet completed the Sacraments of 1st Reconciliation or 1st Holy Communion are welcome to our program as well. It is a two year process with the reception of these Sacraments at the end of the second year in the program. Every situation is different, so call the RE office (815) 467-6962 ext. 5 to set up a personal interview with your family. We would love to get you started!
Where do you find God?
Check out this video from Busted Halo - "Where's God" Think about your answer and talk to your children about it Ask them too!