Please accept our sympathies on behalf of our parish.
If you are pre-planning a funeral, please contact
Jill Walsh, Parish Administrator & Pastoral Assistant, for more information at
(815) 467-6962 ext. 0 or email at
Below is information on planning a funeral and readings for a funeral.
Planning for Catholic Funerals
Funeral Readings
Suggested Hymns
In lieu of donating flowers to St. Ann, please consider making a donation in your loved one's honor.
FreeWill + Catholic Diocese of Joliet
May 2024 Spring Parish Toolkit
Below, please find a communications toolkit for parishes to share your Bequest product.
Please use the Tracking Link that accompanies each email so we can accurately track gifts generated from this outreach.
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**Gift Intent Form Tracking Link for postscript (please hyperlink to this URL as demonstrated):